Completed reading: Money The True Story of a Made-Up Thing by Jacob Goldstein

 When we pick up the book, we had big expectations from it. But it turned out to be more interesting and informative than expected. Over all this was very good. 

* Book took the reader to the time when there was no money, means barter system. Then it start the navigation towards the current monetary system.

* Jacob wrote the journey in very interesting way. Interest in the book remains very high for the reader. It was written so beautifully that reader would soon start imagining the age and the situation.

* Because the transition of the money was written very beautifully hence after each chapter reader will find a new story of money which seems like a continuation of the last chapter.

* Book keeps the writer clinging tightly to the center idea of the book.

* This is not a thriller (which keeps the reader on the edge), but its a smooth journey which very interesting hiccups and transitions.

* A lot to learn about the history of the money.

Best part of book is though it was talking about history and impact of money, it is also talking about MMT (modern monetary theory) which according to few people is future of money.
